Cannot find a good tech recruiter for your company? Or do you need a dedicated technical recruiter and their “powers” only for a short period of time, for when you are scaling a team? This problem (and many others in the recruitment field) can be solved with the help of an RPO service. In this article we will suggest how to use its potential to the maximum ?
If you don’t know yet what RPO really is – we invite you to fill in the blanks with the help of our article, check the link below:
Imagine that you have your budget analysis and selection of a recruitment service from a specific company behind you and you have already signed a contract. Do you know what to do next? In this article you will find some practical advice on how to prepare for cooperation with an RPO tech recruiter and use their full potential, simply put: so that your cooperation brings the best possible results.
Table of contents:
Do you need to close a difficult role or do you need a dedicated technical recruiter from an agency to be an expert-consultant for you and support you in training your in-house team? (It’s also possible that you need both ?).
Of course, we understand that the main task of recruiters is to provide “placements”, in other words closing roles. However, we also know from our many years of providing recruitment services that clients can expect more, and often recruiters themselves come forward to provide additional assistance.
So what can you do?
Without decent onboarding, we can’t work at 100% of our potential. Any recruiter will tell you (no matter if they have a few months or a few years of experience) that without proper onboarding, their work cannot run smoothly.
If you decide to use an RPO service – treat the recruiter as your own. Try to prepare the onboarding as similar as possible to the one you conduct for your internal employees.
Extra tip
Do you have onboarding in the form of an e-learning platform in your company? Great! However, we recommend that you don’t forget the face to face elements as well.
What could you do about it?
Does your organization use many different systems, applications, and ATSs? Make a list of those necessary for an internal recruiter in your organization and see where you can give an RPO recruiter access to as well.
Unfortunately – we know from experience that we can’t connect someone not directly employed by the company to every system, so think about how we can help an external recruiter work without a particular tool. Keep in mind that without some access, the recruiter cannot start work right away.
What could you do about it?
Sometimes even recruiters inside your company will not know what an RPO is (because, for example, they have never worked in such a model). So it’s very important to explain to your team – Hiring Managers, CTO/CEO, Recruiters – what a dedicated external recruiter means, why we use this service, and the difference between an RPO recruiter and an internal recruiter.
Why is it worth it? Simple. This way everyone in the company knows what the responsibilities of an RPO recruiter are, what the purpose of them being with us is, and what they can help us with.
An example? If someone inside the company asks the RPO recruiter for support in a particular area, but the recruiter does not have access to a particular system and ultimately cannot help, the other party will understand that this is not due to their bad will, but some tool limitations.
What could you do about it?
We explained what RPO is and what kind of recruiter’s tasks can be in your company. What’s next?
If we want to squeeze the maximum out of this cooperation – invite the RPO recruiter to be “one with the team.”
You can do this by:
Check out how our client used these tips in practice:
„Working with Swedes”, Lidia and Pati working as RPO Recruiters at LeoVegas
From my experience as an RPO recruiter, I can definitely confirm that it is a completely different way (better and more efficient) of working when you feel as part of a team.
And what will you, dear client, get out of it? Well, you will get into your team a person with experience different from your in-house one, and at the same time you will have in your team a person who has a completely new, fresh view on your projects ?
The best way to give feedback? Try setting up regular meetings: with the Humeo Team Leader and separately 1:1 with the RPO recruiter. These will help both sides – remember point number 2 (treat the RPO recruiter as your in-house recruiter). Let’s give feedback about their work and collect feedback about your company.
As part of collecting feedback, you can ask the RPO tech Recruiter:
Finally, we are left to ask the question: why do these 6 steps at all?
Let’s start by saying that the above tips are the result of our real-life experience with various clients, and we believe that it’s worth treating an RPO tech recruiter like an in-house recruiter, because that’s when we can get an employee who is able to show 100% of their skills, and therefore someone who cares as much about the company’s growth as you do.
Also, an additional benefit (resulting from the fact that the RPO tech recruiter will feel that he or she is in a safe, friendly environment and can share his or her thoughts openly) will be the acquisition of a specialist willing to share feedback.
Trust us – it’s really worth taking advantage of this, because an external recruiter always comes to you with a lot of different experiences from previous projects, and also regularly gathers experiences from other recruiters from their agency.
Don’t delay – use the potential of RPO to the maximum!
Yustyna Mishchanchuk
Tech Recruiter @ Humeo Recruitment Geeks
Tech Recruiter @ Humeo Recruitment Geeks
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